Author: Admin

My thoughts about supposed haplotype of Ramesses III and its prediction.

At least twice we received emails asking about NevGen’s prediction of haplotype of Ramesses III. His haplotype is supposed to be this, in NevGen format: 8,21,19,8,20-20,0,0,0,13,17,33,0,0-0,0,0,0,14,20,0,0-0-0-0,0,13,0-0,13,0,0,0,0-0,0,10 Predicting it in General Level of predictor I got this: Picture I got for top haplogroup (J1a2a1a2 P58) looks like this: You can see most of values look like being out of normal, by...

2021 – 2022 testing of prediction, July 29th 2022

We have prepared the newest results of testing of NevGen Predictor. Time span is from August 1st 2021 to July 10th 2022, little less than year. As was done in previous years, newly found haplotypes with known deep SNPs are predicted for (their already known) subclade with NevGen Predictor. Statistics of results can be seen on the next eight pictures...

2019-2020 testing of prediction, from August 31st 2019 to June 14th 2020

Here are new results of testing of NevGen Predictor, of last 10 and half months. Newly found haplotypes with known deep SNPs are predicted for (their already known) subclade with NevGen Predictor. Statistics of results you can see on the next six pictures (three are by number of haplotypes used, and other three by percentages). We need to say that...

Autosomal Admixture Calculator

This is just another utility which calculates percentages of admixture from autosomal genome data from FamilyTreeDNA Family Finder (.csv files) or 23AndMe (.txt files), using EM algorythm and using Calculator input files from Dodecad Ancestry Project ( It is made in April 2014. There is not need for any conversion of format, you can just select your genotype file, ‘.par’ file...

Autosomal PCA charts of Europe, Near East and Mediterranean

On internet could be found many autosomal Principal Component Analysis charts, but would be no harm if we offer another one to fans of genetic genealogy. For this one are used many genomes from publicly available collections and works, like HGDP, HGP, Behar et al, Yunusbayev et al (2011), 1000 Genomes, Hellenthal at al (2014), Western Balkans (, and others. Beside them,...

Viewer for Autosomal PCA Charts

Our code which calculates several first axis of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) from autosomal data has been made in September 2013. Now is viewer for axis data calculated by it available to fans of genetic genealogy, like pictures of 2016 calculation which were displayed earlier in “Autosomal PCA charts of Europe, Near East and Mediterranean”.In NevGen Tools is included file “PCA of Europe and...

NevGen probability Calculator of Time to Most Recent Common Ancestor

NevGen probability Calculator of Time to Most Recent Common Ancestor (further, just “TMRCA Calculator”) has been written in February 2013 (it’s core for calculation), but was available to several people who worked with it from December 2014, when user interface for it was written. Before that time, it worked only by entering haplotype data into source code. Something must be...

Упоредни преглед расподјеле Y-ДНК хаплоскупина Европе

Надамо се да ово може бити од користи свим љубитељима генетичкога родословља, или оним који желе сазнати нешто о просторној расподјели основних хаплогрупа Европе. Поред приказа расподјеле основних хаплоскупина, наредни цртежи су такође намјењени и лакоме поређењу учестаности хаплоскупина међу земљама или народима Европе. Пошто су учестаности многих земаља или народа одређене помоћу малога броја доступних хапловрста, ми овдје не...

Comparative overview of distribution of Y-DNA haplogroups in Europe

We hope this can be useful to any layman or enthusiast of Genetic Geneology who wants to quickly learn about distribution of main haplogroups in Europe. Beside displaying distribution of main haplogroups, this charts are also intended for easy comparision of haplogroup frequencies among countries/peoples of Europe. Since frequencies for many countries/peoples are made with small number of available haplotypes,...

NevGen’s coefficients of fitting of subclade into another subclade

(last updated on January 10th, 2018.) Experienced genetic genealogists know that haplotypes of some subclades are relatively easy to be confidently predicted on some set of markers. For example, haplotypes belonging to R1b subclades L226 and M222 are easily recognisable even on 37 markers, and accordingly haplotypes of those two subclades are easy to distinguish from haplotypes of any other...